There are a few ways to get more juice from citrus. First, you can roll it on the counter with a little pressure from the palm of your hand. Roll it back and forth several times to get the juices flowing.
Some people like to put lemon or lime into the microwave for a few seconds to release the juices. I've done this, but it has turned my citrus too soft to actually get any juice out, so it's not my favorite method.
Once you've released the juices, there are many ways to actually juice the citrus. Here I'm using a lemon squeezer. It pushes out the juice and retains the seeds. I'll publish another hint with some of my other favorite ways to get the most juice out of your lemons.
Keep in mind that you will get the most flavor from citrus zest. Just make sure that you do not go into the white pith or your dish will become bitter.
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